Hello together,
Im am new here in this forum. Sitting here in Germany, I am along with my 230SL for more than 30years. During I grew old, my SL stayed a beauty. A bit like in the film Highlander, but the other way round.
I always loved your forum because of the very sofisticated informations and discussions to be found.
An item, I am interested for years, is ignition and ignition curves and how things changed in our cars during the years of production. This, especially because of the results on the behaviour of our cars.
Coming from the early 230SL with a pretty sharp curve with vacuum advance, just like the W111 22SE, later changed into vaccum retard with the BOSCH distributors 051, in my eyes the character of thee engines changed from a lively one to a, perhaps, more calm one. Sure, there are other factors, too, but having changed our engine back from vacuum retard to vacuum advance and installed the older curve in our 123-ignition, i noticed a pretty increase of livelyness. Also the over the years existing problem of starting, when engine warm, suddenly was solved.
What I want to ask is, if anybody else has made such a change and what your experiences are.
Would be nice to hear from you.
Best regards