My first Pagoda turns 50 today!
Below is the photo that I first saw of the car on ebay (UK) a decade ago - which led to me making the crazy action of buying a car unseen...... literally on the other side of the world. He didn't even have pics of the engine bay or underneath. (crazy I know!). I did try arrange a pre-purchase inspection but ran out of time. After buying it is when I found out about the UK salting their roads - I knew they did in the USA but wasn't aware the UK did too. Waiting for the delivery of car was the longest 3 months I have even encountered.
Thankfully it worked out well for me in the long run. This of course kick-started a Pagoda obsession of sorts.
Unfortunately the car cannot celebrate its 50th as pleasantly as I did mine ( Boys trip across Asia
) but I will be sure to give it some TLC soon.