Check the Database section of this site. The first item there gives the month your car was built in. That doesn't tell you the model year necessarily, so if it's not clear then ask again and give your serial number (if you're willing to).
In the box to the right of the serial number ( labelled Auftrags-Nr.) the second, third and fourth digits are the dealer code, this identifies the dealership or country your car was shipped to from the factory. Don't know if those codes are on this site, but they are on the net somewhere, search for "mercedes dealer codes".
Also, the first digit of that number **may** indicate the model year. On my card, that first digit is a 9, my car is a '69, and I recently saw someone else's number starting with 8 for a '68 model. Can't say for sure, but maybe...
Schicht-Nr. means shift-number. I assume it's the work shift that built the car, but I have no idea exactly what the numbers mean.
George Davis
'69 280 SL Euro manual