When I had to remove my horseshoe chrome trim to repair damage caused by the PO forgetting to open the soft top cover before starting to put down the top, I found that it was secured by 19 teeny-tiny nuts. Some of the fasteners snapped off when trying to remove the nuts, but most came free with no issues. The parts department at the M-B dealer across the street from where I was working at the time ordered me a replacement fastener kit consisting of 19 teeny-tiny square-headed brass bolts, lock washers and nuts. There was one part number for the kit, which arrived the next day and was maybe $10 or so at the time (2004 or 2005). The bolts came in three lengths: one long one, and nearly equal numbers of medium length and short ones. The longest one went in the center of the horseshoe, adjacent to the chrome bezel with the hole through which the center soft top locking peg goes when erecting the soft top. The medium ones fan out in equal numbers for each side of the center fastener. The remaining short ones fan around in equal numbers up the sides of the horseshoe towards each end.
I've checked through all my receipts but can't find the one with the part number for the fastener kit, sorry.