So.. quick background. Bought car 20 years ago. Very little driving but sat the last couple years. Went to start it and it just clicks. I was getting power. Tried a couple different things, nothing. Figured Starter bad. Was about to get it towed to the shop and it started. All good. Took it in the shop. They did lots of work to get it all running and safe. Drove it all Summer. End of summer started the restoration. Took everything out of the dash. Clean and fixed it all and tested before going back in the car. Kind of mishandled the Oil Pressure line and read that is very sensitive so I wanted to test before I put everyone back in. So I put the Tach / Instrument / and Speedo in. Attached the battery, light came on (All the new bulbs, phew!). But went to start and "Click" Again. Is there something I am missing? Does something else need to be connected? Any thoughts would be great. I was really looking forward to hearing the engine yesterday! But maybe it will just have to be a Christmas Eve Miracle.
(Battery is fully charge and also connected to a battery starter for a little extra boost the first time)
Happy Holidays!