Maybe we should allow these file extensions to be attachable as well?
(Why do my photos become HEIC instead of JPG?
HEIC is the file format name Apple has chosen for the new HEIF (High Efficiency Image Format) Standard. Using advanced and modern compression methods, it allows photos to be created in smaller file sizes while retaining a higher image quality compared to JPEG/JPG.)
As long as browsers -- other than Safari -- do not support .heic or .heif I cannot let them be used as an upload format.
Apple users, please convert your images to .jpg before uploading. And with convert, I mean convert... do not just change the extension.
An Apple tool for conversion is Preview. A quick shortcut is: Go to the folder where your photos are located and hold down the Command key while selecting the photos you want to convert. Right-click the selection and choose Quick Actions. Next, choose Convert Image > JPEG. Customize image size if you like.
On an iOS device (iPhone/iPad):
- Open Picture in Photos-App
- Tap Share
- Tap Copy Photo
- Open Files-App in any writable folder
- Tap on empty space and select "Paste"
- The inserted file will be in jpeg format automatically.
Then upload that file in your post using the Attachments option