I have been working on my brake restoration off and on for awhile. I'm back on it and seem to be near the end.
I had the master cylinder, booster, proportioning valve and calipers all rebuilt.
I replaced all brake lines and hoses.
Put everything back together and bench bled the master cylinder and bled all lines.
Took it out for a short test drive and when I returned all four wheels were very hot. It seemed when driving that the brakes were not fully releasing. The brake pedal did not go down very far when braking.
When installing the Booster, I put the eccentric bolt to the exact position it had been before I started all this. I adjusted the eccentric bolt and backed off the rod from the booster to the master cylinder thinking the rod was too long and not letting the master cylinder pistons return all the way.
Test drove it again and it improved slightly but the wheels still would not turn freely and were not as hot as before. Adjusted the bolt some more and improved it to the point where the rear wheels would release and I could turn them, but the fronts were hard to turn. I cracked open the front lines to the master cylinder while the brakes were hot and this released the front brakes and wheels turned freely.
Took it out again and front brakes would not completely release again.
When I let the brakes cool overnight they fully release and the wheels all turn freely but when I take it out the same thing starts again. So it seems that as the brakes heat up from braking and driving this causes the brakes to not release fully.
Bottom line I'm stuck.
Any help is appreciated.