Author Topic: where to find a mechanic....  (Read 2452 times)


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where to find a mechanic....
« on: August 24, 2005, 14:46:00 »
I am sure a lot of you guys are able to fix things at your Pagode. I am not technical at all and that's why I need help from someone, familiar with the procedures to adjust the engine and perhaps some other minor problems. I live in the south of Holland, near Maastricht, near Liege in Belgium and Aachen in Germany. Is someone interested to help me out ? It's obvious that I am willing to pay well for the hours and the used parts. Pagode friends from the USA: don't mail: I pay no tickets  :D . Btw: my car is not a wreck but brandnew restored !
Liebe Pagode Freunde: Ich suche hilfe zum einregelung des motors von meiner 250SL. Ist da ein mechaniker oder sonst jemand der in der lage ist den job zu tun ? Ich wohne in Holland, in der naehe von Aachen. Selbstverstaenlich wird gut bezahlt fuer die stunden und material. Zum schluss: mein Pagode ist kein schrott aber neuwertig !
Thanks !  Danke !


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Re: where to find a mechanic....
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2005, 16:34:12 »
  As a newbie I would suggest that you should not start by excluding any source of assistance. I would consider myself a "Pagode friend from the USA" and I will be travelling from Munich to Brussels in a few weeks. You never know where assistance can come from.
  You mention that there are some minor problems that need to be addressed. I would suggest that it would help if you could provide additional information about these problems. Some repairs are surprisingly easy. Others can make you question why you pruchase your car. Please provide the additional information and I am sure that the group will share their experiences with you.
Ted 1969 280SL enjoying perfect driving weather in New York


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Re: where to find a mechanic....
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2005, 03:26:58 »
I am touched and whenever you would plan to make a sidekick to Holland (max 1 hour drive from Brussels...with speeding-ticket 30 mins  ;) ) you are always welcome here. I did already mention one problem in a topic august 23, named "shaking Pagode": there you can get more info, if you want. Indeed: Raymond pointed out several possible couses, but I am a technical goofy and looking at spark-plugs would give me already shivers and a headace  :x . But I have to do something and just can bother a good mechanic with all the answers I would get. So: I will keep looking for help and some way I am convinced that it will be an easy job for a "connaiseur". Thanks Ted, the door here is always open. Btw: august was terrible here, driving open would create a tube on wheels  :mrgreen: .