Long distance diagnosis is difficult but I'll ask anyway...
1971 280SL, manual tranny...once in a while when I turn the key to start, I hear the starter solenoid click but nothing else happens, no cranking, nothing...if I turn the key back and forth between off and start a few times, it will decide to crank and immediately start up; sometimes it takes only 2 back and forth turns of the key, and sometimes 6 or 8...
This can happen on the first start of the day, or the tenth...warm engine or cold, makes no difference.
The car starts normally a number of times then at random intervals it goes into this "I don't want to crank" mode.
I assume because the solenoid clicks each time, that it's more likely to be the starter but why should the starter work OK most time then take a rest other times? Loose wire? Dead spot?
Whenever I start, my foot is always on the clutch and the shift handle is in neutral. Makes no difference if the key is taken out or put back in or if the steering wheel lock is engaged or not.
Richard M