There are a number of posts about storing a vehicle. Use the search function and you should be able to find some very helpful information. Generally (very) I do not think it is a good idea to start a vehicle, let it idle for a while, and then turn it off. That will allow a lot of moisture to build up in the exhaust and other parts that can lead to corrosion.
If you will get back on a six month cycle, you might be able to get away with filling the tank, pumping up the tires (40+ pounds), covering the exhaust inlets, outlets, putting a top of charger (or tender) on the battery, and running it when you back.
You can use the fuel stabilizer as an added protection.
Store in as dry an area as you can, wash the car, run it on the road to dry out any of the drain passages, and then cover it with a good quality car cover.
Again, be sure to check the search and previous posts, as there are a number of good recommendations on the site.
Jonny B
1967 250SL Auto