The suggestion by Al is spot-on. Simply disconnect the a/c bracket without disconnecting any a/c hoses. Remember to place it somewhere securely (so it doesn't scratch your paint!)
You might want to make sure the leak is just from the water pump. Sometimes, the gaskets between the water pump housing and the block begin to leak soon after a water pump is replaced. This is cheap insurance, and is very easy to do once the a/c bracket and water pump are off. Another one to check is the gasket between the thermostat housing and the head. Your thermostat seal might need to be renewed (no need to mess with the thermostat if it works).
Remember to use thread sealant on all bolts connecting to the water pump housing, as most of them screw into water jackets. (water pump bolts, pump housing to head bolts, etc). You might consider changing your belts and hoses while you have them out.
Lastly, take pictures before you take something apart (belt and hose arrangements)-- you might need to refer back to them later.... much MUCH later!
WAQAS in Austin, Texas