Thanks. All of the towers are a little bent, partly twisted, and somewhat mis-shapen and this would be the cause of the oil ooze.
I decided to try to straigten them out and in the process re-torque the head as per the good info laid out on this forum. As I loosened the bolt holding the foot of the last of the 3 towers, the foot of the tower under the bolt twisted, and the torque sheared off a leg of the tower just below its upper right angle bend! I removed the broken piece and finished re-torquing the head. The broken tower is stable, especially because the side clipped to the oil shower rod was not the side that broke. Nevertheless, I'll need to replace the tower bracket, and if not too expensive I'll replace the other 2 as well, since they are mis-shapen and may break next time the head is re-torqued. Does anyone have any suggestions about replacing these brackets because I will have to remove 6 head bolts entirely and also violate the re-torquing sequence to some extent?