The current issue of Popular Photography--just this one issue--has a tremendous amount of "how to" suggestions for either better photographs, or how to achieve certain looks. It has sample photos and how to do it. You can even visit their website for some of the information: subscription, at about $10 per YEAR I think it is money well spent, even if you just take "snapshots" of your family and the various other Kodak moments in your life. You'll probably pay about $5 at the newsstand for each copy but there is a wealth of information available in each one. While I don't know for certain, I'm sure there are similar magazines in the UK and on the Continent in native languages that will help those so inclined to "create images" as opposed to "take pictures".
By the way, I've already received photos from 3 contributors, none of whom are professional photographers. They look
great, and will add to make this a fabulous book of everyone's photos.
Mike Lara--Sigman--makes good suggestions. You ought to see HIS photos.
But, don't let resolution scare you. Use the equipment you have, I'm sure it will be fine. While
my current camera is a 10MP DSLR, my 9-year old daughter has a Nikon L4--an inexpensive, tiny, "point and shoot" 4 MP camera--and this gem has produced
publication quality images. So, don't worry about the
camera--concern yourself with what you see in the viewfinder and with the lighting and composition!
Taken by a 7 year old (at the time) with her new 4MP point and shoot camera. What you see here has been
reduced to 80K in size, so
more than 75% of the image has been thrown away! I think you can see that even a small point and shoot camera will allow you to create nice images with extraordinary detail.