Yes Douglas this is the one you saw back in the early 90's. What did you ever do with your Anthracite 280SL?
Thanks for the kind remarks. The story is a long one but I’ll give you the brief version. Bought the 280SE for my birthday present in 1974 had approx. 19,000 miles on her at the time, yesterday (May 30th) was my birthday and "worked" on her all day. I just had to share some pictures with the group because I knew they would be appreciated, after all they are cousins.
As a kid growing up in the fifties whenever my dad and all of my uncles gathered in the living room after a holiday meal as my mom and aunts did the dishes in the kitchen and I playing on the floor with my American bricks or Lincoln logs, I always remembered the conversations about how they all wished they would have kept that 1920's or 1930's so and so car they used to have (I’m sure most of you recall similar conversations, maybe different years). I vowed then and there that this would not happen to me. The 280SE has been off of the road since 1985 or so but has been brought back to life in the last year. Drove her, for the first time again, a couple of Saturdays ago, it felt great. I had saved this car for my retirement, and retired last August, so I have been nurturing her since then, a childhood dream comes true.