Ported and polished mine when I rebuilt the engine, used both a cylindrical and rounded steel bit attached to an air die grinder, to remove metal. Found that the most improvement to be made really was matching the manifolds, gasket and cylinder head. There was so much overlap at the manifold gasket (before tighten and crushing the sealing rings) that I custom made one from gasket stock used in NHRA dragsters, (so far no problems, also considered using copper) The intake runners on the manifold can be opened up or rough polished using a round steel wire brush attached to a 14" mandrel. Exhaust manifold was matched perfectly with the gasket then polished with tapered sanding drums attached to the die grinder, and the same goes for polishing the intake manifold and head. (it does not need to be "mirror bright") You can also have your exhaust manifold high temp coated. The point is, anytime an engine can exchange its gases more readily, it becomes more efficient, and "yes" there is room for a little improvement even on these engines.