I have a PPG windshield, and it is fine. Aside from the "tint band" which apparently some people don't like (I specifically asked for it back in 2000 when I bought the windshield) and the lack of the 3-point star (-1 point in Councours!) it is fine. Of course, my car--like yours--no longer lives the life it was designed to do. Occasional use, just 10,000 miles since 2001. But I paid $500 for the windshield alone. That's a lot more money than they are going for today. I had no plans on Concours at the time, and never thought to seek out an MB Sekurit windshield.
I don't know where rmmmchl gets/received his information but it is disturbing on so many levels. First, if it were true, the MB lawyers or the Saint-Gobain lawyers would be ALL OVER IT in a heartbeat. They don't take any use--particularly any
commercial use--of the 3-point star lightly, and I don't think, conversely, that Saint-Gobain would take lightly to somebody branding their name on a different product. Second, that DOT number indicates the factory the glass was made in. So, even though yours is a Saint-Gobain (not Mercedes) product, it is from the Sekurit factory in Germany. What rmmmchl is suggesting is counterfeit products with the MB name on them? I think 66andBlue spelled it out.
Bob, anything is possible in this crazy world we are in today, but I believe that you bought the real deal. Is it any "better" than an aftermarket PPG? I don't know. But it is the real thing.
Maybe Mr. Kunz will weigh in here.
Now, watch out for those flying stones!