Well after much messing about and no inconsiderable hands on assistance from Bryn Jones another local Pagoda owner, the 1 second relay finally works.
There were three issues with the parts as supplied which made things very difficult:-
1. The supplied harness had two contact pins missing.
2. The supplied relay didn’t provide a sufficiently strong earth due to dirty contacts/insufficient closed pressure.
3. The supplied harness was reverse wired as it connected terminals 86 to 85 not 86 to 86.
I had already realised that the harness was two pins missing but then noticed that the relay contacts could be broken by simply tapping the unit so I spent some time resetting the contacts and was convinced it should then work. No such luck, so I set about testing and checking the wiring and after much messing about it came to light that the harness contacts were cross wired so I switched them round and bingo alls now well.
However, after all that, I’m not immediately sure it starts any better, time will tell.
Thanks everyone.