Author Topic: 3.27 rear end swap  (Read 6301 times)


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3.27 rear end swap
« on: August 17, 2009, 14:36:24 »
Just completed a very quick and relatively easy rear end swap.
Changed the old original 4:08 rear end to a lower ratio 3:27 rear end that I rebuilt with new seals and cleaning up.
Whole thing took about 6-7 hours.
Hope this will encourage others to take the plunge too, as I have not had any major complications. 
Biggest hurdle was the hydro compensator being rigid.  But that was solved.
The brake equaliser for the rear brakes went in easily.  Will have to mount it as it is static with the metal brake lines.
If anyone wants to have a complete 4:08 rear end with handbrake cables and new cylinders with only 4,800 miles and very new looking.  Look in the for sale section.
Walter Klatt
1967 220SL-diesel new 3:27 rear end installed.


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Re: 3.27 rear end swap
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2009, 17:40:00 »

How do you like the axle?  I hope you have a manual transmission to go with the diesel.

George Des

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Re: 3.27 rear end swap
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2009, 23:03:08 »

Congrats on getting this installed. I completely rebuilt the 3.92 you gave to me last year but have not got around to putting it in yet. Have been doing a lot of work in the house so we can put it on the market maybe next Spring. May need to get your help when I can get around to putting my rear axle in. Hope you are well.



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Re: 3.27 rear end swap
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2009, 09:06:22 »

More congrats!  Sorry to've missed that one; I didn't realize you had this planned, at least not for so soon.  Must get mine put back together and back home from Joe's before, say, October.  Sorry also not to see more of you at PUB; you seemed to come and go like a Ninja.  Still busy here in Midwest, can only access email on our Yahoo account for some reason.

Yes, please let us know how that gearing works with the 220 diesel.

Good wishes to you and Barbara; we hope to see you in a few weeks.

1968/69 280SL, just+100k mi, manual 4, 3.46, both tops, 717/904


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Re: 3.27 rear end swap
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2009, 15:38:09 »
Hello Jeff, George, Denny,
Thanks for all your well wishes!
I was a quick speedy Gonzales with the PUB event, rain and muggy out there.  Was too much for my hearing aid to get wet and shorted out.
So it was a short stay and my friend Al and I left to go to some antique stores for some browsing under a roof and in A/C space.

Sorry Joe, You did a spendid job with putting up with the wrath of mother nature.  Everything looked perfect and the setting was spetacular as ever. 

Thanks so much for the tags for my friend.

Jeff, I havent tried out the rear end yet as I didnt have enough 80/90 WT gear oil to fill the diff housing.
Will go and buy another bottle today.  Manual?  Heck yes!  I dont like the automatics, every Mercedes except the finny wagon had automatics.  This one was an automatic, but I changed it over to a 5 speed getrag manual.

George, thanks and hope the rear end is actually a 3:75 one that I gave you.  But no matter, I'd be happy to help you install it if you are still nearby in Va.

Denny, I'd be happy to help you with your conversion too, if we both can find a good time to swap them .  It might be a bit easier to do the swap in my spacious garage.  Which might have a 1970 280SL that I will put back together from boxes for another SL member.
And you can time me from the start to finish.  Smile

Thanks all again!
1967 220SL-diesel


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250 SL Diff
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2009, 01:48:18 »
Hi, have a 250sl with a howling rear diff.  Haven't had good experienced with used parts, so want to rebuild.  Had to be seated when I priced the ring & pinion gear from M-B, but found a much better price from M-B for a 3.47 ring & Pinion.  How does it affect performance droping down to the 3.47 ratio?
Bahama Blue


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Re: 3.27 rear end swap
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2009, 04:19:49 »
Hi Bahama,
A lot of us here wished that the 3.46 ring and pinion gear would fit into the original 4.08 pumpkin but unfortunately it does not do so. Either you will need a new rear differential and axle in or replace your existing ring and pinion gear with same. The 3.46 axle is fantastic and in my opinion does not greatly reduce performance, you just need to change gears earlier if that is what is needed.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 04:21:57 by Garry »
Garry Marks
Melbourne/ Kyneton, Brisbane. Australia
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