To all who have been patiently official update will be coming soon in your email, probably next week.
A variety of circumstances has prevented me from devoting the attention needed on this project. As one contributor has noted to me privately (nearly all the communication on the subject has been via private emails, not the forum here):
"You have taken on a huge task and life’s minor and major challenges seem to intercede in proportion with the size of that task."
But I have not been completely idle on the project. After PUB in late July, or perhaps because of PUB (and the presentation I made there), I was contacted by some people who either were oblivious to the entire project, or were too late in deciding to include themselves, or both. Whatever, I found myself in the position of either turning people away (not good when we are supposed to be inclusive) or expanding the book from 120 pages to 144 pages.
The good news is that the latter has happened. The book is expanded to 144 pages. I have received contributions from more people. We can say hello to new contributors Dave Williams of Canada, Doug Dees of Canada, Tom Sargeant, Larry Hemstreet, Nick Daffern and Jose Valdes. There's also room for me now (don't ask about that mistake...) and a proper forward from a very famous person.
After rearranging some pages and adding the new Pagoda owners in there is still some room--8 pages or 4 people could yet be included. I am not going to push it; if there are newcomers here who also fall into the category of not having a clue as to what I'm talking about, there are many posts on the subject and you can contact me offline. Absent any additional contributors, I'll use those other pages for a select group of photos, perhaps get some automotive artist to contribute, or similar. With so many photos to work with it will not be a problem. I'll also entertain ideas from contributors if no additional contributors show up.
Contributors, I'll send an email personally next week off-line to the email address you have given me. I will update this thread, when the PM goes out.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.