The engine numbers don't match the body number so numbers matching isn't a huge issue. I much rather buy a 280 with a solid motor then one that was overly reworked just to say it was the original motor. .....Jesse
When we (certainly me) speak about matching numbers, we are talking about matching what they were when the car left the factory.
Those numbers can be found on a Data Card or a copy of it from the Classic Center. I don't think we should discount the value of matching numbers, since it is important to other Marques, doesn't it make sense that it will be important with Pagodas.
I was willing to pay more for matching numbers.
I'd bet I'm not the only one.
So, IMHO, if the engine can be rebuilt so that it is reliable, then it is a better option than throwing it away. If it cannot be rebuilt reliably, then there is no choice and you have to get another block/engine.