A couple of days ago I posted an inquiry asking if anyone knew of anybody who might have fixtures for putting a 113 on a Celette Unibody bench fixtures. For those of you who didn't read my post this is the best machine you can use to replace side sills etc on our cars.
Here is a picture of a part of a 113 on the bench.
http://www.auto-kromm.de/pagode/album/slides/006.htmlAs you can see it is basically a copy of what Mercedes would have used when they welded our cars together and since my car pretty much looks like that except it still has a floor, rear frame and soft top well I figure it is the way to go.
I got a reply back from Joe Alexander who and he said that Worldwide Motors in Indianapolis used to have fixtures for all the 70's era cars INCLUDING THE 113! So I figure I will give them a call but then I realize I will end up talking to some head scratching service writer who doesn't want to deal with me. So I was thinking about it last night and I realize my friend Dan is a Snap on dealer in Indianapolis. So I emailed him to see if maybe he might call on the Worldwide Motors body shop? Well, it turns out he does!
So he goes down there today and they have a 300SL Gullwing on the Celette getting a full restoration for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway museum so He's think they might still have the stuff. He's pretty excited because I have a brand new BMW S38 engine in my garage from a 1988 BMW M5 that he wants and he figures this is pretty good leverage. He asks one of the guys about the fixtures and he says........Yea we had them but we cleaned out our storeroom a couple of years ago and tossed it all in the parking lot and called the scrap man....ARGH.
The hunt continues!