For those of you into pictures of filthy cars, even worse, Pagoda's, here's a couple of mine. This weekend I completed the final rally of the year with my wife. The rally started in the Netherlands, and was a two day affair, going through the Kempen in Belgium. For those of you that don't know that area, it is pretty rural with many unpaved roads, used by farm tractors and so on.
During the event we covered some 650 km's, many on these unpaved roads. Now up to this weekend we had snow and frozen ground... and salt remains from the frosty weeks preceeding. On thursday it started thawing and drizzeling. During the weekend, the unpaved roads were completely muddy. Mercifully we never got stuck, although it was close a couple of times. So the car got a great coating of mud in all the wheel wells, on the exhaust, etc, etc.
Anyway, here are a few pictures of my car. I'm sure most of you would never let the car get this dirty, hey, but you do rallies, or you don't. On sunday night, after we returned, it was beginning to get below 0 centigrade again, so I went to one of these DIY car wash places with warm, soapy high pressure water, and spent most of an hour trying to get all the mud off. I took my jack and lifted the car at each corner in turn, to be able to give the car a good spray.
When I finished the last wheel, mud was still soaking and dripping off the first wheel... so I did each wheel again... I think I have 95% complete, including all the areas in the fold over metal parts, but then I ran out of coins.
So, still more work...