The machine used was a BG CTL coolant transfusion machine.
Large Capacity Coolant Transfusion System
The BG CT6 installs new 50/50 coolant into a large capacity vehicle’s cooling system while simultaneously removing the old, spent coolant. The BG CT6 pump can be operated remotely so there is no need to get off the vehicle or crawl from underneath it just to turn on the pump. The system has a 15-gallon coolant capacity designed to flush heavy truck and farm equipment. It is completely portable and can be used inside or outside the shop.
Unlike other systems, the BG CT6 has the ability of transfusing the coolant with or without running the engine. Most vehicles can be serviced with the engine off, thus preventing the common problem of continuous intermixing of new and used coolant due to the closing and opening of the thermostat. This process backflushes the vehicle’s cooling system, removing scale and debris not accessible when going with the normal direction of coolant flow.