Thank you all for the information. It shows that the same car, same engine, behaves differentl. I also cleaned first , then recored the rad, changed thermostate and put 80C in, checked waterpump, changed visco fan unit and changed all hoses. Visco fan makes a difference when you are driving, you can see on the gauge when it kicks in, but for the rest the engine sticks close 195F or 80C. It feels warm and I am not comfortable because it is too close to
overheating. The MB workshopmanual for the 130.980 engines allows operating temp between 75 and 95C. If I am pushing the revs or go up the mountain I am at 95C quickly, but it does not go to overheating or 115C( in the pressurized system).
I feel that the rad enlargement could be a good solution. Why I am uncomfortable with the situation is because my Coupe with the same 280se 130.980
engine is solid 80C plus maybe 4-5 degrees if I do similar rev pushing or ralley up the mountain.