Hi Everyone.
It sounds like you all have kept your self occupied without me for the past few weeks. I haven't been working steadily on the SMS, since I also had a 1963 Corvette to put together, fix and partially restore. But I have worked on it from time to time, taking breaks to try to answer some question or order parts, heal wounds, sometime eat as well....
Well. The small moving space, which had been surprisingly empty for the past 2-3 months, is slowly becoming more and more crowded again. That’s actually not only a bad thing, because what’s being added into the car are such things like electrical wiring and switches and instruments to help you guess whether you will ever arrive at your next destination. Also, sound and heat insulation (because who in their right minds would ever want to drive 2400 miles, cross-country, in August, in a hot and loud small moving space), lighting, tight, fresh new front suspension bushings and linkages, pedals to make the car stop and go, and even a new assembly should allow me to point the space in the direction I want it to go. It is now on the right side of the car. (No really, it’s on the right side of the car! …..Which used to be the passenger side.) I don’t know if this was Garry, the owner’s, reason for spending so much money on switching sides, but it should definitely help to even out the wear and tear, between the two front seats. Well, the only seats, really…:-)
Since the space, as we will call it for short, now that we’ve all become sort of familiar with one another, will be going to visit the Wizard of Oz in just a few weeks, those amenities are the kinds of things that the people down there like to see operational on a car. Things that don’t seem so important in this country, let alone this State…. P.S. I don’t know definitively, whether the wizard actually hailed from down under?.... That would’ve had to have been one heckuva Tornado storm….:-)
On another note: I finally just figured out the remaining wiring issues after I had gotten this cat to growl for the first time again, a few days ago. The problem was, she wouldn’t stop growling even after I turned off the ignition switch. It appears, the Prince of Darkness, Mr. Lucas himself, was trying to have his fun with me, even from beyond the grave. He was aided by his cohorts from XKs Unlimited and SNG Barratt, but it takes more than a few flickering switches, no instructions, some crumbling wires with no longer recognizable color coding and a wiring diagram in which the letter N (for Brown) is reserved for the wires that carry the highest currents, not those that go to the car’s ground, as I had come to accept for most of my life, until now. Do these Brits purposely do EVERYTHING backwards?... ;-)
Naturally, they apparently also have to be the only ones on their whole continent, who chose to drive on the other side of the road, plus they often connect the positive battery terminal to the body of the car, to annoy auto mechanics around the world (not in the case of the relatively late model car “space”, which already came with negative “earth”.) Maybe this is why they still are using the Brown wire for +, as it used to be the ground?...
Anyway, almost all is good now.... It looks like the ghost of Mr. Lucas past didn’t realize how stubborn a German-born engineer could be….
They may have won the war, but I will not let them outsmart me when it comes to taming cats :-)….