While everyone is poking fun at this, consider the following--
(n.b. assume the crash damage has been repaired)
Have we not searched for "more power"? Well, someone put a Chevy V8 in there. Parts available at every autoparts store in the USA, bar none. I don't know the horsepower but it is probably faster than mine and yours!
Battery in the trunk isn't too uncommon...some other MB's have it, and some Pagoda race cars do, too.
Hey, give them an "A" for honesty. Doesn't look like anyone is trying to HIDE anything...
Have we not asked about aftermarket seats? Well, someone did them, and they look power operated to me.
Looks like the a/c vents are on either side of the radio.
My alarm is that the car sustained all that front end damage, and the grill star and barrel seem to be intact! Think of the savings!
Boy, am I happy for "stock".