Tosh, I've lived in Michigan since 1987. My wife has lived here since 1985. Shortly upon arrival, she noticed there is "always a Michigan connection" to things. The backyard reactor? Clinton Township--thankfully the OTHER side of town, a good distance away from here...but I remember the story! Have you heard of "Rocket City Rednecks" a new National Geographic Show? Look it up...
All kidding aside, the problem is the commercial manufacture of the 3-point star. Barrels abound--they rarely break, but the stars often do. A good star is perfect for a lost-wax casting. Jewelry makers do it themselves all the time, albeiit on a slightly smaller scale. Could also be made out of acrylic and painted with Cosmichrome or something similar. You just won't be able to get anybody to do it on a commercial basis because of the lawyers. If the price rises much beyond the $1,200 it costs now for a new Star, you can bet someone will be trying very hard. There once were brass ones sold "under the table" here in the USA but alas, the lawyers found them too.