Hey folks,
The 3.27 is in - along with new B. shocks (all around), bushings, pucks, seals, wheel bearings, etc, etc. Pics also of the new cooling tube with custom fittings. The next few that we make will be even lighter and with "cooler" fittings - AND NO MODIFICATIONS AT ALL.
Ingrid is now truly a joy to drive. Yes, if starting off in the normal second gear of Auto, she's a bit of a slug in town. Well, we just hand select 1st, and all is OK. On the freeway, the difference is absolutely amazing. As I was blending in with FW traffic, I wanted to see how the kick down worked while changing lanes and getting past an 18 wheeler - - Woo-Hoo !!! Now the kick down is there, when and where you would probably most need it! IMHO, this is the way MB should have done it all along.
A huge thanks to Dominic & Vicente @ EUROSPORT in Burbank, CA. Their attention to detail is beyond description !!!
Will keep you all posted on cooling tube progress, in a new thread called (drum roll) "3.27 Cooling Tube"
- soon..........
Cheers, Hank
BTW, the post below, posted by me, is a mistake. I couldn't find a "delete function.