This past June, my son finished middle school with a special assembly and reception. I went to the reception in my 250SL (MB 268 Green, California Coupe) which my wife and son refer to as "The Queen," and parked it on a neighborhood street (the school lot was over full.) As we walked back to the car, we spotted an odd looking vehicle coming toward us: it was the Google Earth street level camera car (they have to get those street level pictures somehow!) On our way home,at an intersection, we saw the same camera car go by again, this time the driver waved at us.
I guess it took several months to sort through and edit all that the camera car saw, but this weekend I found us on Google Maps. The Queen shows up in two places: parked on the street near the school and waiting at an intersection for the light to change.
Parked address - 3265 North Harrison Street, Arlington, Virginia, United States (this is near Williamsburg Middle School, Arlington, VA, USA)
The intersection - the Queen is on Old Dominion Drive where it crosses Old Glebe Road, Arlington, Virginia, USA. Marymount University is on the opposite corner.