Yes, Pawel.
That thing you are mentioning
(called 111 997 1081 Tülle Grommet 230SL, 250SL up to serial #001092 )
is NLA from the dealer..
... and is not correct for your 280 SL anyway.
The 280 has the same worked-in ring that John "The Lews" shows on his numerous flickr pics of his phantastic 250 SL
or which you can also see on the rare stick shift survivors which Brian Peters ( sometimes offers.
Not available separately and hard to be reproduced correctly.
I recommend you live with what is available today as aftermarket product....
... unless you are able to find one of the few leftovers "new old stock" center carpet mats for your stick shift car.
Rare, but they do show up from time to time...
but generally even rarer in the carpet color you just need ....
Good luck,
(with 111 997 108 ring on the square weave carpet)