Alfred, thanks for the info about the washer, I already thought is was kind awkward that the wire was held between the plastic stud from the lever and the conical washer. Looks like I have to redo this. Now I know how to I am fine, I'll do it when I feel like it. Worst thing with this kind of work is when you ant to force it to be dine right away.
Anyhow, I have opened the valve access and I noticed immediately that the position of the valve arm is towards the heat off position if not completely in that position. The funny thing is that the heater in the car is actually on when I run the engine. I also could not get any motion in the arm neither the cable in the dash so I start to think that one or both flaps might be stuck.
I have tried to unscrew the screw from the valve arm but I can't get it loose, I sprays WD 40 on it but no avail so far. I noticed also that by putting pressure on the screw that the entire heat exchanger moves as well as the intake water hose just under the valve access. I could also not remove the rod.
So my project is getting bigger
and unfortunately I am stuck for now, should I try to check the flaps first you think? Do you know if there is any description how to do this ? I haven't found anything yet.
I would appreciate some thoughts .
Oh I'll sign on for membership; tuition for my oldest daughter first; she is in college her second year MD, she passed last year .