I've had a signature under my posts stating that I do not want to answer questions sent to me by PM or e-mail.
I want to explain why I don't want PMs for support. Even though I've put in my signature that you shouldn't PM me for support or questions, I still get PMs. I know that others here who share their knowledge have similar trouble with this, so I thought I'd take a little time to explain why this is inappropriate and rude and should be avoided unless specifically asked for.
We're volunteers. We do this in our spare time. Most of us do not have much spare time, and when we do, we offer it up to people who need help. We choose who we answer, who we have the knowledge to help, who we have the time to properly help solve or address their problem.
And in public, everyone benefits. Future users who encounter the same problem will find the posts when they're public, so if you get helped in a public topic, it isn't just you that benefits, it's everyone in the same position as you.
Such generosity is rare, even in a volunteer community. Now, if you send us a PM, there's quite a few things different:
- It stops being about whether we choose to use our time to help you. Bear in mind we're doing this in our spare time (or some of us, doing this instead of earning money, so think about that, you might actually be costing us money to help you), you're expecting us to put aside our choice for yours.
- It only helps you. It's selfish, because the same advice may well help others but you're expecting us to help you and only you.
- It's impatient, because it doesn't allow us to go away and think about the problem and respond when it is convenient for us (given that it is being done in our time), instead it's expecting an answer sooner rather than later, and it also doesn't allow other people who are knowledgeable (often much more than I) to add their opinions and experience.
That's why I say that if you want help, or your question answered, you'll need to post it publicly.
I don't know exactly how others feel, but I'm fairly certain there are a lot of people who are getting fed up with this. I'm posting this here to let you know why it's irritating, and as a request to generally stop it if at all possible.
Thanks for reading, and to those of who don't go out and PM people because you're impatient, we appreciate it.
Oh yes, and those of you who search for something before asking a question... better yet. The search facility is excellent, but you need to ensure that you are at the top level of the forum to search all sections... and you need to be a little intelligent in phrasing your query. Nine times out of 10 the answer will have already been answered, and sometimes it is written up well in the Technical Manual.