My fortune cookie says I am not lucky today:
After I fixed all previous problems and finally assembled everything (with making proper tools all the time, as we all know we have to do on this kind of job) I discovered a very nasty thing:
The slider sleeve which was very, very hard to find and with all the fun of installing in the U-joint with the 108 rolls, seem to have another spline then the right axle.
I didn't looked at that before, because it had the same length and fitted in the U-joint with the 108 rolls, which I thought was the only thing to worry.
I took some measures:
My old slider sleeve (which has a crack):
inner diameter : app. 25,4 mm (inner circlle of the teeth), app 28 mm outside diameter of teeth, 25 holes for splined axle, length is 82 mm
My right side axle: outer diameter teeth app 27,3 mm , 25 teeth
I have bought by a slider sleeve (very very hard to find) which seems to be wrong for the axle (in the U-joint it fits correct) and has:
inner diameter of the teeth: 27,4 mm, outher diameter 29,5 mm, holes for 27 teehted axle, length is equal 82 mm.
1) Now comes the hard part: what was wrong, the partnumber suggested being 110-350-00-48. Or did the supplier gave me a wrong one, thinking it was a 110-350-00-48 (there was no Mercedes packing)
2) which one would I need in cas the part sold was that number, but the number 110-350-00-48 was not correct (230 sl ,66 VIN 113042 10 0015364)?
3) where would I find one? (New, I hope, since I renewed almost everything on the rear axle and differential by now)
4) If not findable, would another right axle with 27 teeth being hard to find, and would it have the same length and other features as my original axle?
bad, bad luck, since I was nearly there,
best regards, Rudy
PS on the photo is the left one, my old cracked. In the U-joint is the new, which is to big inside for my axle.