Funny how this thread has veered off in a different direction, as they often do
I agree with Peter H that Bittburger is pretty darn good. We also like Weihenstephan and usually get a case of Spaten to celebrate Octoberfest. A bottle of Chimay is in the fridge which will be popped open this evening and served with dinner and my wife likes 1664 but she likes most things French
On the last day of our trip we drove from Stuttgart to Munich and planned on visiting the Hofbräuhaus but due to heavy rain we arrived to late and went directly to our hotel at the airport. After we got home we needed to resupply our pantry and Fridge so we journeyed to Costco and Lo and Behold look, what we found? Not the same as the real thing but a close second
To all my friends on this Forum.. Prost, à votre santé, Cheers (love Newcastle, Victoria Prima, Czech beer, Blue Moon, name it)