My local dealer got me the one for the Pagoda... There was no charge.. They had to email the factory to get it.. There was a bit of a delay as at first they couldnt find it.
(Originals kept in a large filing cabinet apparently!). I would hope that they have now scanned them as a backup!
Once we had data card I could order spare keys.
For my W100 600, they struggled to get me the data card and any spare keys.. My local dealer said they couldnt get data card.. I phoned classic centre, he also struggled but eventually got me data card at a fee - but couldnt get me a key, factory told him they were no longer supporting the special 600 keys, all they could provide was a blank that I would have to have cut locally. Well if anyone has seen an early 600 key, they are specially drilled keys, no locksmith I could find wanted to take it on. Also I didnt like the idea of a third party cutting my keys as they never get it spot on, this hastens barrell wear.
Knowing not to trust parts guys, I took my data card to a third dealer and he ordered the keys. Three days later I had two brand new keys in lovely period presentation boxes, correctly drilled and cut to my ignition.
As it turned out the last owners got in touch with me a few weeks later and sent me even more spare keys for the car!
Anyway, moral is, if one dealer says no, dont take that as gospel, keep trying others.