This one really has me going. I have just a dribble of a coolant leak that is present as a small spot behind the driver's side front wheel. Under the hood, the "shelf" beneath the brake booster is wet. I feared the heater core may have a leak except for two things - the core was recently rebuilt and tested, and the core really sets in a framework above the fan assembly. I can't determine a flow path from the heater core to the shelf. It would seem that a leaking core could only reveal itself through the fan assembly. Is that not correct?
The counter argument is that I can find no coolant lines in the vicinity of the brake booster. I pulled the rubber access plug for the valve on top of the core but saw no indication of any coolant. I'll do that again and look harder. In the meanwhile, if there's any experience or similar problems, I would appreciate the advice.
Thanks very much,