like theengineer, I've been driving topdown all summer long, with a cap, and collar on high position: my 230 sl has no headrests.
I must admit, once I caught a cold and probably driving topdown was a possible cause.
Anyway, driving it that way is a real passion...
a passion, from a latin word "patior": I'm suffering!
The german word for passion is "Leidenschaft" > "leiden" means also suffer... Cees, in your mother tongue, it must be the same...So, boys, are we a kind of masochists?
...Still I'll wait for the end of the sunny days to put a top on the pagoda, hard or soft.
Buying a windshot could be a solution, but I 'd have to abandon my dear obsolete 3rd seat, mein Kindersitz, where I've been lately sitting , so high, straight in the wind all over me!