Ah, Kayvan. There's a huge difference between
anything one-off, and anything made in volume, even if that volume is small. What is on the stand there is one car, the only such car. It isn't engineered for production; it isn't job 1 yet, and there's a
lot of work to be done. The tooling is not likely created (hence the 24 month+ delay) and that's when the difference between a "one off" and engineered for volume happens, and when changes have to be made. I don't know the head honchos who make glorious statements in press conferences but know a lot of guys in the trenches who are responsible for making it all happen. It's never as easy as the suits say. If it were production ready, why would it take two years to get to the showroom? Don't forget crash testing. Emissions testing...and on and on it goes. That's another place where the changes start happening, and part of the definition of "engineering for production" as opposed to a one off. I am quite literally surrounded by people and companies that do this stuff day in and day out. It's the joy of life here.
I have no doubt that you, or any suitably well endowed lover of this car or its predecessor would be willing to place a deposit today for a car 24 months (remember these things rarely happen early but production dates generally slide ahead...) in the future. Maybe there's even a dealer who'd take your money. But with such limited volumes, so distant in the future, and allocation to dealers as yet not set, I would suspect not too many dealers would take your money today. I could be wrong, but I don't see how it would be possible other than on a whim.
However this is the kind of car and deal that goes on a handshake, not paperwork! So, anything is possible.