Several weeks ago I took my 280 SL RHD drive on a rally, during which time it rained. Several days later I was dismayed to see a rusty trail inside the cabin, under the dashboard to the left of the steering column (see photo, should this hole be here?). The car is in very good shape and never leaked before. I immediately suspected the drains from the cabin air intake were blocked and rain had collected and spilt over from there, however I have checked these and the leak did not come from there.
Looking in the enginebay, on both sides immediately in front of the firewall I have noticed what looks like two factory made holes (see photos) about 10mm diameter. These appear to let into the hollow cross member under which the leak came from.
What is the purpose of these holes? Are they supposed to be open and if so where should they drain to plse?
ps as usual I have loaded the photos in the wrong order