Author Topic: Toolkit for 1969 280SL does the inside material colour match the MBTex?  (Read 26183 times)

rutger kohler

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My wife is about to make me a replica tool kit (she has already made a ample one).  I am aware that the toolkit  MBTex outer colour may not match the car upholstery but what about the fabric inner colour?  Should this colour approximate the toolkit outer MBTex or are all the inners made a "feldgrau" MB colour as the example in the Technical manual?
1969 280 SL Manual gear shift
1972 280SE 3.5 auto


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Not sure if this is "feldgrau" but here is a photo of mine. Greenish Gray canvas inside, MBTex outer.

« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 15:47:04 by 49er »
1969 280SL 003820
Un Restored, All Original, including the paint
Original Owner, Purchased September 18, 1968
4 speed manual, PS. 77217 miles
7280 miles since awoken from her 20+ yr "nap" in 2010


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I just finished my 9th kit build.  The hardest thing to find is the original "tool roll" material, but they are out there.  The Gray/Green light canvas fabric is standard. I haven't seen any other, and no, that inside fabric never matches the interior bag color.  The outside can be canvas from a soft top (black, brown, and olive green are common), or an array of seat material (typically MBtex).  I have smooth light gray, smooth cognac, smooth red, textured tobacco brown, textured medium gray, textured tan, textured red, and a black canvas one.  I do have one repro bag in cognac, but I prefer to find the originals.

If you want authenticity, make sure she uses the short Hazet 767 spark plug wrench without the spring(that was 107)(don't forget the rubber insert), the original Heyco 300 long water pump pliers with the star (mercedes quit supplying the logo version recently, and the 107's came with smaller heyco pliers), the thick hapewe pliers (thin ones were 107), the mercedes wrenches, Felo plastic screwdriver with two inserts, fuse kit (with 4 stubby 25amp fuses and the rest 8a long white fuses (no red or blue), and black fuse pullers.  I throw in the Hazet 2760 Oil service wrench that is in the special "Lubrication Kit", as well as both the 17mm/14mm heyco, unior, dowidat, or matador wrench (pre-1965 DIN895 change) and a walter 17mm/13mm (post change).  I also include the wheel centering guide (one with slot, not the longer aluminum 107 type), and a Heyco 17mm Lug Wrench.

The four open end wrenches rarely came in matched sets from the same manufacturer, so a mish mash is authentic.

Some of the later kits had a black printed tri-star logo stenciled on the green/gray inside canvas (on the right side).  These are more uncommon.

Hope this helps.

Mike Mizesko
Columbus, OH

1970 280SL 291H Dark Olive


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he he, interesting Mike. I was bitten by the "authentic tool roll" bug some six months ago, and I agree with what you write in your posting.
This previous "tool roll" discussion here in our Forum is good info:

Quote from: mmizesko
.../...The Gray/Green light canvas fabric is standard. I haven't seen any other.../...

I actually have two pictures in my files of tool rolls with alternate light colour on the inner canvas fabric, see attached. I did not record where I found these pictures (on the web, yes).
The kits certainly look authentic (not repro).

Another thing Mike, would you know the switch-over point (date) between early black wooden handle and later plastic type for the Felo screwdriver in the kit?

/Hans in Sweden
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 10:17:50 by mbzse »
/Hans S


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Thanks Hans,

Yes in retrospect, I do have a kit with the light Ivory inside canvas.  My memory is going too soon :-\

1970 280SL 291H Dark Olive


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Felo plastic screwdriver with two inserts, fuse kit (with 4 stubby 25amp fuses and the rest 8a long white fuses (no red or blue), and black fuse pullers. 

Mike Mizesko
Columbus, OH

Hello Mike, My '69's (build date July '68) original tool kit came with a wooden handle for the screwdriver. Also the fuse box came with 4 red and 7 white. Alfred pointed out the fact that it not include the stubbies (which he was nice enough to send me a few) so the red , which were not even used on the car in the first place are now replaced by the 25A. What is interesting is that I never have replaced a fuse in the life of the car so this was the way the fuse box came from the factory. If it wasn't for this forum, I would have never noticed this anomaly. Also pretty sure my kit was shorted the fuse puller as well.

1969 280SL 003820
Un Restored, All Original, including the paint
Original Owner, Purchased September 18, 1968
4 speed manual, PS. 77217 miles
7280 miles since awoken from her 20+ yr "nap" in 2010


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I'm pretty sure that your fuse kit is newer than your car's production.  As I understand it, the original white 8a fuses were aluminum and ceramic, with the brass coming later and aftermarket. 

Joe told me that some owners knock out the stubby spacers in the fuse box and simply insert the later red 25a fuses that started in the 107.

Heresay also tells me that the wooden screwdriver came with the 63 230SL's, but I do not know the crossover date to plastic.  I know they were in the 190SL and 300SL kits.

If your kit is certain to be original, then I have no idea what I am talking about. :-X

Love this topic....

1970 280SL 291H Dark Olive


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 Hi Mike, egg on my face! Yep the fuses in the fuse box are definitely as you describe, aluminum and ceramic. After the 280 came into my life, I never owned another car that used the ceramic fuses so I don't have a clue how the fuses in the kit got there. It shall remain a mystery >:( The handle is definitely wood though. :)

1969 280SL 003820
Un Restored, All Original, including the paint
Original Owner, Purchased September 18, 1968
4 speed manual, PS. 77217 miles
7280 miles since awoken from her 20+ yr "nap" in 2010

rutger kohler

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Guys, thanks for all your replies.  Interesting that one sample is brown MBTex with the grey inner,  I think that is what we will go with.
1969 280 SL Manual gear shift
1972 280SE 3.5 auto


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Just be aware that a homemade toolkit bag could reduce the value of your 113SL by 20-30%. ;D

1970 280SL 291H Dark Olive

rutger kohler

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Hi Mike, I know you are a good guy, you have helped me on several occasions in the past so I will let others comment on your post.  However I have attached 3 photos to show you my wife's mark one result.  There are two things wrong with this, both of which are my fault.  The first one is that the pattern was taken from a late 230 SL and the pockets are lower than a 280 SL.  The other one is the colour of the inner material is not quite right.  Apart from that it is as good as MB made.  We have taken a pattern from a 280SL toolkit and she will make that when I get the inner colour right.  I might also comment that when taking the pattern from the original MB 280SL the shape and finish is anything but special
1969 280 SL Manual gear shift
1972 280SE 3.5 auto


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Where does one get the inner grey green canvas material?


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Hi Mike, I know you are a good guy, you have helped me on several occasions in the past so I will let others comment on your post.  However I have attached 3 photos to show you my wife's mark one result.  There are two things wrong with this, both of which are my fault.  The first one is that the pattern was taken from a late 230 SL and the pockets are lower than a 280 SL.  The other one is the colour of the inner material is not quite right.  Apart from that it is as good as MB made.  We have taken a pattern from a 280SL toolkit and she will make that when I get the inner colour right.  I might also comment that when taking the pattern from the original MB 280SL the shape and finish is anything but special

Those look great!!

Benz Dr.

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I'm pretty sure that your fuse kit is newer than your car's production.  As I understand it, the original white 8a fuses were aluminum and ceramic, with the brass coming later and aftermarket. 

Joe told me that some owners knock out the stubby spacers in the fuse box and simply insert the later red 25a fuses that started in the 107.

Heresay also tells me that the wooden screwdriver came with the 63 230SL's, but I do not know the crossover date to plastic.  I know they were in the 190SL and 300SL kits.

If your kit is certain to be original, then I have no idea what I am talking about. :-X

Love this topic....


Isn't a 25 amp fuse blue, and the 16 amp red?
1966 230SL 5 speed, LSD, header pipes, 300SE distributor, ported, polished and balanced, AKA  ''The Red Rocket ''
Dan Caron's SL Barn

1970  3.5 Coupe
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Don't know about the 25 being blue, the two on the car's fuse box are plain white ceramic. The red are 16.

1969 280SL 003820
Un Restored, All Original, including the paint
Original Owner, Purchased September 18, 1968
4 speed manual, PS. 77217 miles
7280 miles since awoken from her 20+ yr "nap" in 2010


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The 25 amp long fuses are blue (plastic).  The stubby 25 amp white fuse is still available from a number of suppliers, ranging in price from $3-5.  MB was not the only manufacturer at that time to use white stubby 25 amp fuses.
66 230SL  Euro 4 speed

rutger kohler

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Hi, sourcing the right colour is what our problem has been.  We have got the right material and have been dying it but have yet to get the right shade, very frustrating!
1969 280 SL Manual gear shift
1972 280SE 3.5 auto


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Tell your distaff partner that she can start selling these on ebay for $119 per.  They look great.

Dan, you are absolutely right.  The blues are 25A, Reds are 16A.  Sorry.  Just one more case of me commenting like I know what I'm talking about. ::)

1970 280SL 291H Dark Olive


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Is the correct material in the incorrect color readily available?


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Quote from: mmizesko
.../...Heresay also tells me that the wooden screwdriver came with the 63 230SL's, but I do not know the crossover date to plastic../...
Here is another piece for our tool kit puzzle.
Attached is an image of a completely NOS tool kit. You can note the original delivery plastic bag at the side, marked "280SL".
The Felo screw driver in this kit has a black-painted wooden handle. Correlates what 49er states in reply No7. So, there is strong indication that wooden handles did come with [early] 280 SL tool kits, from Jan 1968 and some time after. However, the Felo factory soon changed into plastic type handles, a production adjustment...
Note cheramic 8A fuses in plastic box also, the fuse metal being silver colour.
/Hans in Sweden
« Last Edit: April 23, 2015, 12:33:11 by mbzse »
/Hans S


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Thank you for the reveal.  I am interested in the VIN number of the vehicle if available, and the make and sizes of the wrenches.  I'm assuming 4, 19/17, 17/14, 13/11, and 10/8, but it could have a Walter 17/13?  Mind doing an inventory for us?  I notice no fuse pullers.  Did the fuse kit have the 4 white stubbies in addition to the 8a white/silver longies?

The wood handle surprises me on the screwdriver, but what do I know. Damn, How do I find a bunch of wood handle screwdrivers????

1970 280SL 291H Dark Olive


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Quote from: mmizesko
../...  I am interested in the VIN number of the vehicle if available
Sorry no, it's a "disengaged" NOS kit; was never in a car

the make and sizes of the wrenches
19/17, 17/14, 13/11, and 10/8, all Dowidat

I notice no fuse pullers
That is so. I wonder if these were some kind of "extra" or just included during some periods of time(?)

Did the fuse kit have the 4 white stubbies in addition to the 8a white/silver longies
Yes, certainly

The wood handle surprises me on the screwdriver

Me too. I have seen [several] 250SL kits with plastic Felo handles. Perhaps it was a case of what was on the shelf at the factory (?)
/Hans in Sweden
« Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 11:21:00 by mbzse »
/Hans S


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Boy, Certainty with tool kits seems to be as elusive as a unicorn.

Thanks for your data.

1970 280SL 291H Dark Olive

Jonny B

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My understanding is that the fuse pullers were an extra item, not a part of the regular tool kit. I think that one of the wrenches had a 14mm end in early production, then a switch to the 13. But not sure which of the two would have had the 14 mm.

I think Hans may have hit the screw on the nose (?) about the screwdriver handle. It is really difficult to know if there was a hard cut off on some of these items. They may have gotten a new batch, or a trial batch, or ??? Part of the fun and the discussion!
Jonny B
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what confuses me is with the supposition that the fuse pullers were extra, I can't imagine a sales person selling a $9,000 convertible, that comes with a tool kit, and asking the customer on the way out the door if they would like the optional fuse pullers.  Just Saying.....

1970 280SL 291H Dark Olive