I think the idea from Ray Hays who threw it out here is to get some sketches together, not just ideas for others to use...
The Gull Wing Group has two cloisonné grille badges, shown below.
The use of the laurel design is an essential and integral element of all of the [sanctioned] MB club logos. It is integral and essential as it is derived from an older Mercedes-Benz logo. If we made something with it, it might be deemed inappropriate usage, as this too, is copyrighted; each club (such as the MBCA) is bound by usage agreeements, too. It doesn't make sense to court any potential issues, which is why Ray asked for something new.
So, as Ray said--let's come up with something original and distinctive that would be our own, and not using any copyrighted designs or photos to serve us well as a grille badge.
I've never been fond of the photo we currently have for use in a "logo", but that's just my opinion not shared by all. I personally don't like photos in logos, my own belief is that logos should be graphic representations, not photographic. The one chosen does not convey our "international" status which is very important to a lot of people. Surely it is a well known photo but of one specific car, used in a limited fashion that was not indicative of the Pagoda's lot in life. Since we are many cars to many people all around the world, the logo/badge that I come up with (if I can beat Ray's deadline!) as an offering will try to convey that. Text, as it were, is something that can always be added, deleted and changed as need be. You can use a logo with or without a web address, for example.