I've put together 8 kits that I am making available at PUB. 2 are spoken for already. I have 1 repro bag, and 5 remaining original MBtex bags. All are complete, with an additional Walter 14/17mm wrench, and a Hazet 2760 14mm/hex head Oil service wrench. All have fuse kits (with 4 25a stubbies), fuse pullers, lug wrenches, felo screwdrivers (plastic though), wheel centering guide, Heyco 300 water pump pliers (with Mercedes Star), Hazet 767 sparkplug wrenches with T-Bars, Hapewe pliers, 5 wrenches.
$700 per kit (plus freight). I have multiple colors. I am saving a black canvas one for a 230 owner. You have cognac/291H, like mine, so I do have a tan basketweave which would look good in your car.
I also have a bunch of period Hartman First Aid kits, and a spare Kaco Trouble light. I do have a couple of woodhandle screwdriver sets, but I am keeping those for now. Most 280SL's had a plastic handle, but yours may have had either, I'm not sure. I also have a couple of NOS AJ headlight doors if you wanted to buy a pair for backup. Pricey though.
Let me know if you are interested at least a week before PUB.
Mike Mizesko
Columbus, OH