Author Topic: PUB 2015 Wrap-UP  (Read 7578 times)


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PUB 2015 Wrap-UP
« on: September 28, 2015, 06:22:50 »
Thanks to everyone who attended PUB 2015.  It looks like we had around 45 pagodas and around 100 people at the gathering. Many Pagodas drove in, a few came in trailers, and some owners came without their Pagodas. Some other interesting Mercedes cars (non-pagoda) joined in during the event.  Many internationals travelled from very distant places around the world. Our good friends form the north (Canada) had an impressive turn-out. Special thanks to all those International travelers for such an effort.  I was so busy during those days that I can never spend enough time with each person. Afterwards, I feel I missed visiting with everyone. I sincerely appreciate all the effort from everyone. The presenters, contribute their time with no compensation. I really appreciate the efforts of all presenters. Vendors traveled from their shops and home bases to support the group by setting-up and displaying nice parts and services. Saturday we had a judged car show presided over by Pete Lesler (former past National President MBCA) We had the best staff of experts on hand ever. Gernald Nissius Dan Caron, Chuck Taylor, Brad Peterson, Michael Egan, Pete Lesler, and JA 17 were all in attendance for the event. Many Thanks to all these guys for sharing their experience and knowledge. Other individuals, who have become expert in certain aspects of the Pagoda, also contributed with presentations, thank you.  Information was flowing freely. Thank you, vendors and enthusiasts which contributed to the door prize selection.  Alex D., Alfred E., and Mike M. helped in the planning of the event. President Ray spent much of his time doing media tech. support. Thanks Ray. Other individuals arrived early to help set up and help out. Thanks, for your efforts. The women who attended were great, and a welcome relief from all the male faces in the crowd.  Thanks Nickie for the great PUB 2015 poster design!  Lastly and most importantly, thanks to all the individual attendees. It is the great people who make the group and the event, more than anything else!

Also, thanks for the photo sharing. In the following months I am sure we will be seeing some more photos and articles on PUB 2015.

Joe Alexander
Blacklick, Ohio
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 13:56:10 by ja17 »
Joe Alexander
Blacklick, Ohio
1969 Dark Olive 280SL
2002 ML55 AMG (tow vehicle)
2002 SLK32 AMG (350 hp)
1982 300TD Wagon turbo 4spd.
1963 404 Mercedes Unimog (Swedish Army)
1989 flu419 Mercedes Unimog (US Army)
1998 E430
1974 450SLC Rally
1965 220SE Finback

Benz Dr.

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Re: PUB 2015 Wrap-UP
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2015, 06:43:30 »
I can't add much to that except to say to you, THANK YOU!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

  Without you, I wouldn't have been there on more than one occasion. From doing the frame on my 190SL 35 years ago, to past help you gave to me when you really didn't have too; you've always helped out. I'm also proud to call you my friend as I know you've called me. I'm still learning from you Joe, you are an amazing teacher with a wealth of knowledge. 8)

1966 230SL 5 speed, LSD, header pipes, 300SE distributor, ported, polished and balanced, AKA  ''The Red Rocket ''
Dan Caron's SL Barn

1970  3.5 Coupe
1961  190SL
1985   300CD  Turbo Coupe
1981  300SD
2013  GMC  Sierra
1965  230SL
1967 250SL
1970 280SL
1988 560SEC