so ... here are my seats. looks like the frame is correct to the car but I think the padding is a little tired and the seat looks a little out of shape. I this the correct size for the car?
Hello 320,
(Pls, have you got a real name too?)
This is clearly seat type 1. The seat cushions left and right are identical and not left-handed vs. right handed. Or, the small seat cushions so to speak. So, your car should have a serial below 002927 or something had been mixed up in the past.
Meanwhile do a search on seat noodles and you will see lots written up on how you can improve the seats by fitting part Pool noodles in under the seat cushions.
That works somehow but is only a temporary fix. Better is to get the spring cushions renovated at a professional shop. Furthermore, the rubber-horsehair pads get tired with the years (decades) and need to be replaced or filled up (with the same material).
Creating comfortable (& stiff) seats out of worn ones is not an easy job - and pricey.
Ask me how I know.
However, on the long term it's well worth the investment. Better (for your ride & enjoyment quality) than chrome and paint.
Your seat cover(s) look definitely replaced.
If I were you .... ok, I am not ... but IF I were allowed to be you...
take care of the body (and rust) work now and more important technical issues first.
Your seat(s) look definitely good enough to keep the interior for a couple of further years.
A temporary fix with pool noodles might do the job for the time being;
once you have convalesced from the body fix ($$$) you might go and invest the next ($$$) into the interior.
Good luck,
(w/ renovated type 2 seats)