Apologies for late response.
As commented by George, concur keep away from ethanol - we did assessment for the Gov't in the early 2000's on effect of ethanol level when it was being considered for implementation here in Australia both for automotive and non-automotive engine applications. The assessment particularly looked at the effect of ethanol on older cars - given that based on the registration statistics, the average age of cars in Australia is around 10 years - and the effect on the rubber, and some other material, components was the key issue. If I recall, beyond about 15%, driveability was starting to be affected as well as emissions etc. If interested, contact me on my email address and I could dig up the reports (the reports were also published by NMMA in USA).
I use 98 (this is (RON+MON)/2, same as AKI in US, plus an additive - the original valve seats etc were all set up for leaded gasoline, and 98 offers the best protection with the unleaded fuel.