It looks like you used a grease to fill the coupling area where the shift lever enters the housing?
When I opened it all up, I found that there was a whole lot of old gooey grease, so I figured that's how it should be. Cleaned it all out and renewed the grease.
When your you did this was the bottom bushing disconnected from the transmission connection?
As far as I recall it wasn't disconnected.
Here's the procedure I used:
#1: Lift carpet & remove the 4 bolts that hold the gear cover plate in place, you have to also remove the gear knob- wrap the shifter lever with a towel, grip it gently with a pair of pliers or vise grip & gently tap upwards with a hammer. You also have disconnect the small light bulb that sits under the cover plate & illuminates the numbers on the cover plate. I also took the opportunity to replace this light bulb at this point.
#2: I then removed the 4 bolts that hold the housing in place, lifted the housing up & disconnected the bushing between the lower linkage & gear selector shaft. Prior to removing the bushing & disconnecting the linkage, I secured the linkage which comes into the car from below, with a wire which I tied to the hand brake handle to keep the linkage from dropping out of sight...
Then lifted the housing out, cleaned and replaced bushings all round and reassembled.
Finally softened the linkage bushing in hot water and used liquid soap and a long nose vise grip to reconnect the linkage and gear selector shaft
with the bushing and then bolted the assembly back in place, added grease and closed it all up.
Hope this helps.