Perfectly done, Joe.
Thanks a lot, much appreciated.
I agree but I have a question. Since all of this is mostly covered by the trunk rubber floor mat and it is in the trunk, why? I can see this being a good idea in the engine bay for attaching the front fenders and other places where these spot welds are visible but in the trunk? I guess if someone is willing to pay for it............
Well, Dan....,
Good question. Why? Why do you want to do so?
Basically everybody knows that welding/filling punch holes is qualitatively as good as the proper "spot welding" done at the factory. The latter was only done because of automatism and rational manufacture.
Well, why copy that? Why using old-style hose clamps instead of the newer worm-type style clamps? And there are many other things like this - details.
The reason is - because owners, possible buyers, brokers, auctionators, judges during car shows on the green (and so on) increasingly look for these little details.
And the more a particular car looks like "factory original" or has been brought back to that appearance, the better it is, or to be honest - the car is supposingly claimed to be so.
On the one side the knowledge on classic or older cars in general and Pagodas in particular has dramatically increased throughout the last three decades (which I have observed ...),
on the other side, it is always also providing the "illusion" that this particular car of interest is an "untouched factory original survivor" although in reality it had undergone heavy modification.
It's all about impressing or somehow humbug a potential buyer - in order to achieve a better trade.
Or, today also in order to fake or to calm down possible fellow owners during an Event or get-together.
It's quite annoying to every car owner to hear from fellow owners: "Hey mate, this is not correct or original on your car, this has been poorly repaired on your car..."
That's why this "faking" spot welds have come up.
Don't take this too serious, just enjoy.
(with former rust traces in the trunk)