One of our Members here replied in one of the posts ....
"I would be interested in the trend of the average age of purchasers"When I read it I was reminded of my ///M3 BMW days not so long ago. I back then started a very similar post, to see what the average age is of a ///M3 BMW. I attended get togethers and found that I was always the oldest fellow. Since our forum stretched all over North America I was just very curious about this question.
So I started the thread and kept it up to date, sorting it by age until shortly after I traded my ///M3 for a E350 Benz. Our fellow Members did participate and the results were indeed interesting. You can peek into the tread (see link below) here and see there were indeed some older ///M3 Drivers. It also made for some interesting reading on a rainy day, for Members mentioned how it makes them feel to drive a ///M3.
Link here ----> will simply set up a Poll and invite you to pick the age range you are in. It should be interesting to see what age group appreciates driving this fine automobile. If you wish you can leave a note how it makes you feel, I know posting here from time to time (when I find a moment) and driving my pagoda keeps me young
I know since I found mine it puts a smile on my face when I drive her and I feel like 55 (I have no problem telling you I'll be 80 next year).
Please be a sport and cast your vote
it will be interesting.
Thanks! And Safe & Happy Motoring Always to One and AllDieter