Hi MP,
Perhaps you can take a picture of it it may be a priceless copy you have there.
Somewhat off topic, you may have a priceless PW copy
like the 1943 US penny that collectors will pay Top dollar for. Only a few 1943 US Pennies of different materials escaped the US treasury apparently and it makes them very special almost like our Pagoda's ~grin~
Check it out --->
https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/rare_pennies/Hehehe ... so check your penny jaw for a 1943 US penny, that do not stick to a magnet.
Source: The fun times guide;
Nobody really knows how the 1943 bronze penny came to be, but it’s suspected that there were between 20 and 40 combined copper planchets in the hoppers at the Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco mints. Somehow, those bronze planchets were accidentally fed into the coin presses.