.... I always think if you have to try that hard and spend that amount of time to give them your hard earn't money then they don't deserve it. Shame. Just my opinion though.
while I share your sentiment I believe you should also consider the other side. GAT is a small family run company and in order to stay in business they have to sell a lot because the profit margins are very small. Just take a look at the prices for new carpet kits on eBay and you'll see the problem.
Thus the owner has to decide whether to spend about an hour to send samples to far away UK - and pay $5 for postage - fully knowing that he can't compete with Eurozone manufacturers on price alone because of shipping costs. His material is not different from what others supply because everyone buys from the same wholesalers. His only margin for success is the quality of the workmanship that he and his employees put in. But he cannot easily mail that, or can he??
But as you just posted, he did send you samples anyway hoping that his service will convince you to pay perhaps a bit more of your hard earned Pounds and buy from him.
FYI, GAAH also used to be a family run business until they were acquired by ARGENTA, an investment company in Texas, which subsequently also bought up Robbins Auto Tops and combined the two:
http://argentalp.com/?page_id=390They are now in the business of manufacturing and selling tops for mostly current cars and have very little interest in oldtimers.